The new craze in the marketplace is on-line term life insurance offered by companies like Haven Life, Bestow, Ethos, and Ladder Life. We would like to add Life Assurance Company of America to the list as well.
The question is do they offer affiliate programs and if so, under what terms. It appears that all four companies offer some form of affiliate or partner program. Life Assurance Company of America also offers a simple, easy to understand affiliate program.
Before we summarize what we found with respect to the other four life insurance companies, we would like to describe Life Assurance Company of America’s affiliate program. First, it is hosted by Post Affiliate Pro, which is independent and one of the largest affiliate marketing platforms. The sign-up form is simple and takes a minute to complete. Here’s the link to the sign-up form:
Second, Life Assurance Company of America pays affiliate commissions of up to 40% of all sales (less returns and cancellations). The default affiliate commission rate is set at 30% but can go higher depending on your performance. We allow a 1-year cookie duration. Affiliate commissions for the current month are paid at the end of the following month (there is a holdback for possible chargebacks). On a case-by-case basis, two-tier or other tiered affiliate commission structures will be considered. Below is a link to our affiliate program page:
Third, Life Assurance Company of America welcomes insurance agents and non-insurance agents as affiliates. Almost anyone that has a website, blog, email list, etc. can sell via on-line links and banners via a unique affiliate url. Once we receive your request to become an affiliate, we will review your website to make sure it is suitable (i.e. not illegal, not a pornographic site, etc.) and you should get your approval or rejection response from us within 24-48 hours. We may even contact you directly to discuss your affiliate request.
Fourth, Life Assurance Company offers you simple and low-price life insurance products to sell.
Life Assurance Company of America offers a 1-year no medical exam term life insurance policy based on your health representations at limits of $5,000 (for $75 annual premium), $10,000 (for $150 annual premium), and $15,000 (for $225 annual premium). In order to qualify for coverage with Life Assurance Company of America, you have to be at least 18 and not older than 65 and generally healthy. Here’s a link to this product page:
Without any medical exam or underwriting, Life Assurance Company of America also offers a covid-19 life insurance policy with a $10,000 death benefit for $99. The covid-19 life insurance policy is issued on a one-year term basis. Here’s a link to this product page:
That’s what Life Assurance Company of America offers. Let’s look at the other four life insurance companies and what they offer.
At Ladder Life, they pay for verified leads and qualified referrals. The sign-up page lists the payout as $75 per lead. Here’s a link to their affiliate page: https://ladderlife.com/affiliates
Ethos appears to prefer licensed insurance agent partners. There is a quick sign-up page for these potential partners. There is also a $10 refer a friend option. If someone creates an account using your link, you get a $10 Amazon card. Here’s a link to their agency sign-up page: https://agents.ethoslife.com/agency/signup
Haven Life promotes a partnership program and dedicates a lengthy website page to partnerships, but there is little information provided about who is eligible or what partners get paid. They do reference a partnership with Covr Financial Technologies as a partnership example. Here’s a link to their partnerships page: https://havenlife.com/partnerships
At Bestow, they also have an affiliates page with a partnership inquiry form. This page does inquire whether you are an insurance agent or not, so it appears they accept both types of sellers. Otherwise, there is very little information about who is eligible or what payouts or commissions are paid. Here’s a link to their affiliate page: https://bestow.com/affiliates/